

Mysteriousuniverse. “The Amazing Tale of the Night Witches of WWII.”, 1 Apr. 2019,

 The Night Witches, known as the Soviet Union 588th Night Bomber Regiment of World War II, were a group of volunteer female fliers who broke gender, strategic, equipment, and political barriers. One of the first and most famous Night Witches, Marina Raskova, convinced General Joseph Stalin to let women fly in combat. This broke a historic political and cultural barrier.  The Night Witches proved that with limited resources, they were able to fly approximately 24,000 missions and successfully bomb the Nazis. Despite ridicule and verbal harassment by male comrades, these women persevered and helped to defeat the Nazis. The barriers the Night Witches broke gave women the opportunity to become combat aviators, prove their equality to men, and become role models for women and other countries. ​​​​​​​


Historical Context